SoCS: Me and my elements

I belong to the ‘Earth’ element according to my Astrological Sun Sign (Taurus) and may be because of that I sort of buy things which mostly have the earth color tone. Almost all my dresses look the same color.

I have a love-hate relationship with the ‘Water’ element, because I hate that I can’t enjoy it fully because I don’t know how to swim yet I love any water body and would love to settle near the ocean.

I wish that the element of ‘Air’ ( the humidity part of it ) wouldn’t trouble me so much. I have been having trouble breathing and am functioning on almost 3-4 hours of sleep for the past week because of clogged sinus which is really a very irritating thing right now.

Fire (from the candles of course), is an element I love to photograph regularly in the confines of my home. I have so many pictures of candle light, of the flickering of the flames, of the long and beautiful shadows that they cast.   


Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “element.” Choose one of the four: air/water/earth/fire or use the word “element” however you wish to define it. Enjoy!

SoCS Badge by Doobster @ Mindful Digressions

19 thoughts on “SoCS: Me and my elements”

        1. Same here. I am already sick of my inhaler without which days become difficult especially in winter.
          Tomorrow’s first work is to find that Saline spray.


    1. 🙂 Thank you so much for the appreciation. Am really glad that you find my blog entertaining.
      I am lagging behind on awards currently and will catch up some time soon.
      Thank you once again.


  1. Wow! I’m a Taurus too and can relate with what you say about Water and Air. I can’t swim either, but love to look at water, and my sinuses have been bothering me at night too. And I tend to like duller, Earth-toned colors too, especially when it comes to makeup.


    1. Yay! I am glad to have found some fellow Taureans here. Jeanne 🙂
      Everyone thinks that my choice of dress and colors are really very dull. Most of my clothes are brown or red or variations of those.

      Liked by 1 person

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