My Moon. Finally! (phew)


After a very long time and lots of trials, I got a decent photograph of the moon. I could still look at some more techniques to improve it and should have ideally got my spider tripod to get some more steady shots. But I had very less energy left after my Pilates workout. I wouldn’t have bothered if I hadn’t seen the moon on the way back from my workout. But once it showed itself to me in a cloudless sky, I just couldn’t let it go without trying for a shot using my zoom lens. It doesn’t look that huge over here in Bangalore. It probably is slightly bigger than usual, but that’s about it. Next time I will be prepared and try and get a much better shot of this lovely natural beauty. Good night, all!

13 thoughts on “My Moon. Finally! (phew)”

        1. Thank you 🙂 I guess, today was my day. I should look up for some more technical help on this to get much better photographs. But I am more of a Sun person than Moon. 😉

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