K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge: Straight Lines

I have been missing this prompt for a couple of weeks. So, decided to do it today even though it is usually done by me on a Monday.
I love Cambodia and all those beautiful sculptures that you get to see there. I was amazed at how intricate and detailed their art of work were. I chose this photograph because in-spite of the elements in it, the whole thing was done in a straight line. But I thought it will be much better to have a mirror view of it to let you see how perfectly symmetrical they are. Used PhotoMania’s photo effects to get this end result.


Wanna join in? Here is how:

Create a post with ‘K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge’ in the title. This week, the prompt is : Straight Lines
Post a photo to your blog, pingback to either Dale’s or K’lee’s post and don’t forget to add the tag #CosPhoChal to your post’s tags and that’s it!

9 thoughts on “K’lee and Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge: Straight Lines”

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