SoCS: All kind of likes

  • I like trying out new dishes (vegetarian of course and definitely from a restaurant. I am not a fan of cooking). Yesterday I had something called Eggplant Pot Ni Pai (stuffed egg plant with cottage cheese in mixed sauce served with mash potato) and it was very well done and yummy and less in quantity. Gee, my mouth is watering thinking of it again.
  • I like to live in a city which has a beach, if that can ever happen. I have always lived in land locked cities and that gives me a craving for the beach and the mountains from time to time. But I have decided that if I have to pick one of them, I will go with the beach and hence I started with the series Sandy Toes and Salty Kisses to remind me of what it was like to spend time in various beaches.
  • I have read sometime back that we like a person because of something but love a person in spite of something. Don’t know why it got stuck with me, but here it is, apt for today’s prompt. I might reuse it again, if the prompt for ‘love’ comes up 😉
  • On the same note as above, I have always believed in like / dislike at first sight but not love / hate at first sight. Recently I had this instant dislike for a person because for some reason I had a very bad vibe from that person. And I thought I was crazy to feel that because I hardly knew that person. But then I came to know that I wasn’t alone and my instant dislike got validated by the way that person behaved another day. I like totally like dislike that person. I mean it.
  • There is this girl I recently came to know in my yoga class. She is way too young (thanks to my friend for making the public announcement of our ages to the whole bar that day) and during my first few interactions, I thought she was a bit childish. She did behave like that though. But when I got to know her more, I realized that she was more childlike.

And there ends my creative thinking 😉 to write anything more about any like’s. I am drained and drown out by the constant buzz in my head due to lack of sleep.

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

This week’s prompt word is “like.” Any way you want to interpret it, “like” always. 😉