Books = Portkey = (Secret) Door

I wrote a series of posts on how certain books helped open a door to a whole new world for me and I categorized them with the term ‘Portable Magic‘ because ever since I heard the term ‘Portkey‘ in Harry Potter I associated that with the books. And for all the Muggles out there, a Portkey in Wizarding lingo refers to an object used to travel to another location, which is rather specific in Harry Potter’s world, without drawing any attention to anyone else around them, especially Muggles. So imagine my surprise when I come across this TEDTalk where Mac Barnett talks about why a good book is a secret door and how much it aligns with my idea of a book. His was a secret door and mine was a key to the another world/place. Mine can be considered a superset of his, that is all 🙂

Here is the 17+ mins talk which I found interesting and funny.