Light of Inspiration

Today I am going to combine two weekly challenges in this one post.

For Sylvain’s Weekly Challenge this week, its the lights
And Daily Post’s Weekly Challenge for this week is Inspiration.

I am going to go with a Lighthouse today. I did a set of posts on the various Lighthouses I have been to. I always find Lighthouses a source of inspiration. A Beacon of Hope. I just love them. 1-IMG_9239

“If lighthouse becomes a burning candle,
flickered upon ocean’s insanity.
Your sailing heart there anchors to handle
the obsessed breeze towards sand dune’s vanity.”
― Munia Khan

As of this photograph is concerned, it was taken at Point Cabrillo Lighthouse. I did not want the rule of the thirds to be followed here. I wanted the subject to the right in the center. And had to wait for the exact time the light came in my direction to capture that moment of brightness. Am not sure how I can explain the reason as to why, but this is how I wanted this picture to look like and am glad it came out as I wanted. Hope you like it too.

I could do with a lot of hope and some inspiration today. Have a great day ahead.

Wordless Wednesday


WPC: Off-Season

When we friends went to Goa for a week long trip, it was a perfect off-season, at least perfect for me 🙂 . I can’t imagine how the beaches would be during the peak season.
As was our trip to Matheran. As soon as we landed it started pouring and we couldn’t walk around much that evening giving us a lot of time to sip our hot tea and enjoy our card game and books.
But I prefer off-season or slightly off-season to visit a place, because I am not that comfortable with crowds. And if the beaches would be deserted because of off-season, then I am all for it.

Wordless Wednesday

On the way

Taken on the way during my drive back from Fort Bragg to Redwood Shores, California, through Highway 1