Why do you travel ?

Every time I plan a travel I get a ‘upraised brow’ look from my mom and a ‘head shake with a long sigh’ from my dad, not to mention ‘an evil green eye’ from my brother and a ‘good luck’ from my sister. Now that I got my visa for my next vacation coming up in a Month and a half’s time, I am preparing myself for their admonition. No matter I am grown up now and I can handle stuff for myself, no matter that I have traveled quite some to gain an experience on what to do and what not to, no matter that I have lived half my life by myself and very important of all, no matter how much ever I go against their wishes πŸ˜‰ , they still give me an earful every time I ‘inform’ them of my travel plan.

The discussion usually goes like this:

Q:why do you want to travel to a foreign location and spend so much money? Can’t you start with local places ?

A:Local places don’t need that much money as the foreign ones. I am earning enough to spare some for my travels to foreign destinations and I can replenish that money by working some more. Once I quit the job or no longer earn enough to travel abroad, I will plan for the local ones (apart from the ones I have been doing).

Q:but if you actually save those money you can retire early right?

A:Given an option to earn+travel+earn or save+retire, at this point of time, I will choose earn+travel+earn. I have enough time left to plan my retirement.

Q:are you going alone again?

A:Well , no. This time I have a couple of friends who are going with me.

Q:is the place safe?

A:Yes it is. We are going as a group and I am going to give you all the hotel list anyways so that you can reach me in case of any emergencies.

Q:is this a planned group or you are doing it on your own?

A:Doing it on our own.

Q:my god, that is totally not safe. why can’t you go through some packages where you have more people around you?

A:I did that last year and at that time you didn’t consider that safe !!!!

Q:how many women are there in your group ?

A:Including me, two.

Q:oh… ok. at least you aren’t going alone with guys ?

A:Urrrrgh!!! they are my friends. You don’t have to trust them , at least trust me!

Q:whatever!! you are not going to listen to us and you will do what you want.Β 

A:[roll my eyes]

Q:just be safe and keep us informed if you have internet and take care of your health and for the record, we just don’t approve this trip

A:You know I will email you whenever I get a chance to keep you informed of my whereabouts. (and I ignore the last sentence about approval as if I didn’t hear them)

This has happened for almost 2 years in a row now πŸ™‚ They almost refuse to see me as a grown up Β especially when they are afraid that they won’t be near in case of any eventualities. I really understand their concern but it also becomes sort of mundane to have this discussion and then go ahead. Its just not either my mom or dad. Its both of them, one of the very few things they actually join the force and become as one. I am yet to have this conversation with them this year. But I guess there might be more from them this time, because of the recent injuries and the physiotherapy that I have been going through. They are going to really try very hard to convince me to not go ahead with my plan πŸ™‚ . But what is life without a few risks. I am, by default, a very carefully planned person. But I do take some reasonable risks and this is one of them. And this is the first time we few friends got around to finally plan this trip after a couple of years of planning and cancelling.

And please don’t ask me of my travel plans yet. I am running a bout of bad luck and I don’t want to jinx anything for now πŸ™‚ I already have a few things to take care (namely, injuries, parents, friends who can bail out last minute, work related emergencies etc etc…) Now off to wear those protective gear and to do some sweet talking to my parents πŸ™‚

And oh yeah, wish me luck. I badly need it πŸ˜‰

10 thoughts on “Why do you travel ?”

  1. Hahah ‘reasonable risks’ that made me giggle
    I can totally relate to the conversation – apart from the fact that my parents totally approve of my travels, they’re not so thrilled when they aren’t a part of the trip. I guess its just that they’re not around to keep an eye out for anything dangerous.
    Have a good trip! Where are you off to?


    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ and regarding the place, can it be a surprise for some time , although I can tell you that it is a country in Europe πŸ˜‰ (and its just two weeks actually). I cannot take more than that from work.

      And last year when I did a package tour, I offered my parents to join me (fully paid by me), and their reply was, ‘well, please put that money in a fixed deposit in my name and you go ahead’ *sigh*


      1. πŸ™‚ oh dear…well as you know only when you travel you realise you want to keep doing it. So hopefully one day they’ll see eye to eye with you! Have a good trip πŸ™‚


  2. My mother gets scared for me when I go to the store – she “let” me go by myself to Japan, but that was back when she wasn’t as worried about everything. I was 41 years old when I went to Japan, by the way. Enjoy the distance while you can. It doesn’t get better.


    1. Yeah. They are perfectly fine with me if they are a part of it, or at least one of my siblings are. Alone or with friends is what freaks them out πŸ™‚ and add an international unseen location and they get some sleepless nights and I get a month of ‘strict face’ πŸ™‚
      I hope to travel to the extent my health, purse strings and interest allows me to do it.


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