Intern & Martian

I am a big fan of Matt Damon (now come to think of it, is there anyone who isn’t? Did you see him do the Whip & Nae in Ellen Show? He is so cute! ) so it is obvious that I would watch ‘The Martian‘ I am not a great fan of sci-fi fantasy movies/novels. I loved ‘The Gravity’ but wasn’tΒ quite impressed with ‘The Interstellar’ So I did have my apprehensions about the movie, but since Matt Damon was there I was OK with it. But I was surprised. I loved the movie. Especially when he does the ‘I am gonna science the s&^t of this’ thing and goes ahead with the potatoes (see I knew there was a reason I loved that vegetable…it can grow in Mars too, of all the freaking places… Imagine that! ) He was so adorable. And thankfully, there was less of science and biology (compared to the other two movies I mentioned) and even the ones they talked about were quite understandable. And some of the scenes reminded us of how we deal with project management in our organizations. There is this scene, where the head of the department asks the other guy through video conference, how long its gonna take, and that guy replies, well…6 months and immediately the head says ‘ok, I give you three months’ πŸ˜€ That’s how it works in the software industry. No one bothers or rather no project manager bothers with the actual estimates that the tech leads give them πŸ˜‰ They easily take only the half of it and expects it to get it done.

It wasn’t a fast pacing movie.Β It goes at a casual pace. When Matt fails, and he knows that he lost all his efforts it makes you feel sad for him. We know how the story ends, obviously its a Happy Ever After ending (phew! I got this one right, this time) but the journey is whats important in this story. And add the fact that there was indeed water in Mars as was recently discovered, it makes it all the more interesting. I enjoyed the movie a lot.

The last weekend’s movie was ‘The Intern‘. And yes, I watched it just because of Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway. I loved the trailer and wanted to watch something light and nothing too heavy (that is why I had to say no to Sicario, even though the reviews were very good) And it didn’t fail me either. He was so cute as an Intern. Making us laugh, smile and even blush (when he got that impromptu back massage!) Jeez, I was embarrassed for him 😳 Anne Hathaway, looks amazing as usual. Looks like she picked up her wardrobe from ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ Looks the part πŸ™‚ It was indeed a simple movie.

Both these movies did not have any romance angle to it and it was so refreshing ( I do read my share of romance novels so I am OK with skipping them in movies if the story and screenplay is good ). For this weekend ? So far no movie plans. Let see how things pan out.

12 thoughts on “Intern & Martian”

  1. If you thought Martian’s science was satiable, then you should read the book! It’s just 400 pages of science, nothing else. Only Mark Watney’s humor keeps us going and rooting for him. πŸ™‚ But yes, they couldn’t do all of that for the movie so I’m happy with the final product. It’s light and gets the story across.

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    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ Glad to hear someone is also not too fond of the scientific details πŸ˜‰ I loved the one liners in the movie. Let me know how you feel about the movie , once you have watched it.

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  2. Nice! Been meaning to watch intern as well.

    Hey am doing this WP prompt FAQ: one question to you – what is one movie that almost changed your life(or something like that), how many times have you watched it?
    IF interested please do reply will add that as part of the post . looking forward.. πŸ™‚

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  3. I actually read The Martian. It was a fantastic read. The humor was there, the science sh#t was there. Matt Damon wasn’t the character so you weren’t sure how the ending was going to evolve. I was happy to see the movie reflect the novel so well.

    Also enjoyed The Intern

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