Oxford’s Words in a Sentence

Ever since I read the list of words shortlisted for Oxford Dictionaries word of the year, I couldn’t help but wonder if we can combine all those words in a meaningful sentence. Here is my try. If you manage to write one of your own and would like to share it, please ping back to this post or tag it as #WordsOfTheYearSentence.

For reference, here are those words.

hygge, n.

mass noun] a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture)


British informal a person who is in favour of the United Kingdom withdrawing from the European Union

Latinx, n. and adj.

Noun: a person of Latin American origin or descent (used as a gender-neutral or non-binary alternative to Latino or Latina)

coulrophobia, n.

extreme or irrational fear of clowns


[mass noun] informal the practice of behaving in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially the accomplishment of mundane but necessary tasks


a computer program designed to simulate a conversation with human users, especially over the Internet

glass cliff, n.

used with reference to a situation in which a woman or member of a minority group ascends to a leadership position in challenging circumstances where the risk of failure is high.

alt-right, n.

(in the US) an ideological grouping associated with extreme conservative or reactionary viewpoints, characterized by a rejection of mainstream politics and by the use of online media to disseminate deliberately controversial content.

woke, adj.

US informal alert to injustice in society, especially racism.

Here is my Sentence (you can use the words in any order) (if there are any mistakes please do let me know)

The hygge in my life was messed up this year when I woke to first the brexiteer’s rejoicing and then later the alt-right groups creating trouble for Latinx and other races and minorities making people fear them more than their fear of coulrophobia and wondering when the women will stop falling off the glass cliff and wishing that people grow beyond basic adulting and help us look forward in the future with some hope so that we don’t end up taking orders from a chatbot .

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