Saturday Night

It has been a while since us friends have had a get-together for a fun evening. Finally after figuring who is available and when, we have zeroed in on today and hope that everyone is able to make it. We are also planning to Skype our friends who have moved to different countries and states. Let us see how that goes 🙂 But what is a get-together without a drink or two? That wine bottle that was opened last time (last year some time, actually) we had a get-together at my place is still 3/4 full. I better take that with me today (the venue: another friend’s place) and hope that it gets over. It has been more than a year or so since I have had that bottle. And hopefully today is the day..

And may be we will do some karaoke and some feet tapping.  😉 Wanna join in?

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “drink.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!


SoCS Badge by HopeFloats@ My Leaky Boat

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