The next step

“Everybody knows that. The missing step is always the next.”
― Óscar Lopes




Love is consistent passion to give
Not a meek persistent hope to receive

It will be happier…

WordPress review was a good measurement, but I couldn’t add much to it. So here is my personal review.

Baralikadu still reigns. After all these years (That post was posted on Feb 2013…) it is still the first in the search terms and always get the max views on my blog. Never would I have thought of that when I posted those photographs of a very small and quaint place near my hometown (Coimbatore). I guess I should start charging the folks at Baralikadu some commission if my post is earning them visits 🙂

This year I crossed 1500 followers…Yay!!! Thank you all!!! And hearty welcome to all the new people who have joined this journey! Hope you find my blog(s) interesting and entertaining 🙂

I finally made my blog an ‘awards free blog’ ( more out of laziness than anything else) but then as I say on my picture (down below the page if you scroll down)

“No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” Thanks for being part of my blogging journey.

and the best award for me is your time!

Took part in a couple of new prompts, apart from the ones I was already participating.

Finally got around to complete my Cambodia and Bali tour report a couple of days before on my travel blog. Failed to do one for my US trip I did this year (i.e. 2015) , but will finish it in a week.

On a personal level, I had to send off three of my friends to different places (and countries) for better opportunities (and I hate send offs even though I am very happy for them), was a witness to two of my gay friends marriage (can’t say how happy I was for them and I was their official photographer too , yay!!!), did two international trips this year (as opposed to one every year), ticked Sky Diving from my imaginary to-do list, got my tattoo done, tried my hands at dating and found someone too, spent more than I earned ;), worked out harder and got around to fix some of my long term health issues (will write about one particular issue in detail later) and on my way to fix a few more things for a healthier life style, took it easy at work (had to balance it somewhere), made some new friends, got a little bit more confident of self…well, that is all I think 🙂

With that, good bye 2015 and Hi there 2016! , Welcome!


Wishing you all a Very Happy and Joyful New Year. May your dreams come true and you stay happy, content, and hopeful. 

Take care and see you all next year! Happy Blogging! 🙂



“This is my belief: that through difficulties and problems God gives us the opportunity to grow. So when your hopes and dreams and goals are dashed, search among the wreckage, you may find a golden opportunity hidden in the ruins”.”

― A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

One of my very favorite photographs from Siem Reap, Cambodia. Taken in Bayon Temple. I could have centered it by moving little bit to the right, if I had been planning on it. Saw this at the last moment when we were about to get away from the place and took this very quickly before I regret not doing it. Nevertheless I am very happy about this photograph. Something about the idol sitting all proud and majestic (can you see the smile?) amongst the ruins (or whatever is being restored of that) is very endearing to me.

Light of Inspiration

Today I am going to combine two weekly challenges in this one post.

For Sylvain’s Weekly Challenge this week, its the lights
And Daily Post’s Weekly Challenge for this week is Inspiration.

I am going to go with a Lighthouse today. I did a set of posts on the various Lighthouses I have been to. I always find Lighthouses a source of inspiration. A Beacon of Hope. I just love them. 1-IMG_9239

“If lighthouse becomes a burning candle,
flickered upon ocean’s insanity.
Your sailing heart there anchors to handle
the obsessed breeze towards sand dune’s vanity.”
― Munia Khan

As of this photograph is concerned, it was taken at Point Cabrillo Lighthouse. I did not want the rule of the thirds to be followed here. I wanted the subject to the right in the center. And had to wait for the exact time the light came in my direction to capture that moment of brightness. Am not sure how I can explain the reason as to why, but this is how I wanted this picture to look like and am glad it came out as I wanted. Hope you like it too.

I could do with a lot of hope and some inspiration today. Have a great day ahead.