Sorry Monday

I am never fond of Mondays. During the vacations, I hardly know which day is what. I lose track of time and day, which is such a break from the usual dreary feeling I have while working. And during my work days, I am never ever happy about Mondays.
Recently I saw a funny quote about it and I would like to share it with you 😉

“Dear Monday
I want to break up.
I am seeing Tuesday and
Dreaming about Friday.
Sincerely, It’s not me, it’s you…”

In real life, I look forward to Wednesdays and dream about Fridays.

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “brake/break.” Use one, use them both, but whatever you do, enjoy!


SoCS Badge by HopeFloats@ My Leaky Boat

One-Liner Wednesday

Read this somewhere recently.

After Tuesday, even the calendar goes WTF


Posting it as part of Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday.