The day that went by

Yesterday was a whirlwind of a day. Too many things happened. I get tired today thinking about it. All good news, though ๐Ÿ™‚ I got a new laptop in my office because the old one was out of warranty. When I had to copy all the contents from the old one to the new one, is when I realized how much junk I have accumulated over the 5 years of using that laptop. Irrespective of the fact that most of the content are in their respective folders, there still were enough stuff lying around everywhere and I didn’t know where to categorize them. It was almost the same effort as vacating a house. I took three days to get things backed up, find out the programs I had installed and installed them in the new one, make sure I am set and nothing is left out etc etc. Phew! And then I realized that as of yesterday I completed 13 years in this company. Again, Phew! Looking back it doesn’t feel like it even though the journey had its own ups and downs. It’s going to be very weird for me when I leave it. But I have been here when I have to be, have enjoyed myself, worked smartly and hard enough. The journey will go on and it might even take me to more exciting places, who knows ๐Ÿ˜‰ Am I looking forward to it? Of course, Yes!

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: โ€œyes.โ€ Use it as a word, use it in a word, extra points if you start and finish your post with it. Enjoy!

SoCS Badge by John Holton@ The Sound of One Hand Typing


I was telling you recently about how my iPad had some audio troubles and I have almost stopped using it. When I was back from the service center, I got myself thinking. I am able to use my Wii console to watch my Netflix (I have disabled my set top box account so no more TV). People must have had some solutions already available to be able to stream my contents from my iPad to the TV. So I checked out the free apps that are available on the console and saw that YouTube was available. I downloaded it. But it was asking me to login. So I checked online if there was a way and voila! there is was. Its like the Bluetooth pairing. You open the YouTube app on the Wii console, go to the settings and get the pairing code. Open the YouTube app on your phone or iPad, go to the settings and click on the Connect to TV option and enter the pairing code and after that you can use your Wii Console, and in turn your TV, as your screen. I was able to use that and play one of my saved videos for workout. It was cool.
Now, wouldn’t it just be easy to login to my YouTube account on Wii Console and go from there? It would but the keyboard typing is too difficult in that and would take me a long time to get to a YouTube video I am looking for. Using my iPad or my smart phone to type and get the video is quite faster. Now I have to check if I can do the same with my Skype. That would be amazing ๐Ÿ˜‰

Article Reference:ย  Use Any Smartphone to Remotely Control YouTube on a Computer

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: โ€œscreen.โ€ Use it any way youโ€™d like. Enjoy!

SoCS Badge by John Holton@ The Sound of One Hand Typing

Keep the change

Every where I travel I keep getting these coins and I have no clue what to do with them after a while. I did give away some coins from places I have been to those who collect them. But the rest is with me. I don’t even know how much I have in these coins. I am sure they will become antiques after a while. But what value will they hold?

Why are we still dealing with coins when everyone is trying to go paperless (even though I am not a big fan of using credit cards everywhere) ? I feel that these .99 paise/cents/pennies rates should be done away with. I remember my mom having those 1 paisa and 2 paisa coins from their times. All she did was to use them during Vishu kani (a new year festival down south) as a display thing and for worship. That reminds me of the small red postbox shaped coin box I had while growing up where I used to save my coins out of the pocket money I used to get (which wasn’t very much anyway). I wonder when and where I lost it. My nieces have got a Panda coin box which is very cute. But I thinkย I like my postbox better than this cute one.

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: โ€œcoin.โ€ Use it any way youโ€™d like. Enjoy!

SoCS Badge by John Holton@ The Sound of One Hand Typing


I have had so many awkward moments in my life, but when I had sit and write one nothing comes to my mind. Or rather too many incidents are fighting over each other inside my head and not letting me pick one among them.

OK, let me go with a least awkward one which I am sure many of you would have encountered one time or the other during your shopping trips.
You would know by now, I am not big on shopping and I don’t have patience to try the clothes I buy and the one time I do I end up having a moment. So this one day I go to a mall to check on a ring and then since I had to meet another friend who was running late, I decided to go around the shops and see if something catches my eye. In one of the clothes shop, one yoga t-shirt looked good. So I pick up the L size and turn around to see if the trial rooms were available. I walk around trying to find one and since there weren’t any signs I go to the guy who was standing next to the women’s T-shirt section and, might I add, who had his ID tag on and asked him where the trial rooms were. He was on his phone typing something and he looked up and smiled sheepishly and said that he wasn’t an employee and looked very embarrassed. I did a mental face palm and said ‘Oops! Awkward! Sorry yaar!’ and then went to a side, laughed for a minute and bought the T-shirt without even trying it and I was done with my shopping for the day. The rest of the time I was just going in and looking at the merchandises in the other showrooms. One awkward moment a day was what the doctor prescribed me.

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

โ€˜Awkwardโ€™ is your prompt. You can write about feeling awkward like me right now or the awkward silences we often find ourselves in, like staring at a blank page only sometimes that blank page is a personโ€™s face, or even trying to fill the awkward silence โ€” just make it awkward. Do your best to out-awkward me. – From the guest host, Joey of Joeyfully Stated.



SoCS Badge by John Holton@ The Sound of One Hand Typing

Mink! Mink!

Wouldn’t you want to know what your Patronus is? Of course I would. It would be cool, if I had to use it when it is needed ๐Ÿ˜‰ So I went ahead with the Pottermore’s Patronus Quiz and guess what my Patronus is.


Yes, it is a bushy tailed Mink. Let me be honest. I never knew that such a creature even existed until it became my Patronus. Probably because they aren’t talked about much, except for their fur. And of course we don’t find it in my region. I agree that this wasn’t what I expected. I don’t know what I expected…can’t have a lion or an elephant as our Patronus now can we? It would be too big and too weird. But I ain’t complaining. These are cute. Did you have a chance to figure yours yet? Care to share?

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: โ€œbus.โ€ Use it as it is, or find a word with the letters โ€œbusโ€ in it. Have fun!



SoCS Badge by John Holton@ The Sound of One Hand Typing