The weekly update

Finally, it took me just two days to complete the new Harry Potter book ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One and Two’. I will keep you updated on my views about the book in a separate post (need to gather my bearings before I write that down) but if you want to hear only good things about it (obviously, no spoilers will be revealed) then you might want to skip that. Now I hear that there are three more books planned? For some reason, that doesn’t excite me. Why? I don’t know as of yet. But once I gather my thoughts, which are everywhere right now, I might get an answer.
In the mean time, I am keeping up my date with ‘The Wire’ series and completed Season 2 over the week. I am planning to do one season per week, if possible. So far, I am just loving it. I have also caught up with the latest episode of ‘The Night Of’.  All is going well in the TV series area and I am glad I am sticking to those two for now.

I remember my dad’s very old and very dilapidated guitar that was kept in the lofts and used to wish my dad kept it in good condition so that we could try learning to play it. But he played it during his younger days and had lost touch but for some reason, kept that guitar for far too long. I learned to play guitar 4/5 years ago and continued for 2 years but then with constant travelling and work, had to give it up. Now I have totally lost touch. And it is in my loft. So when my friend asked if she could loan it for her son, I was only glad because it will be brought back to life again, if not by me by some one who is willing to learn. I have plans to learn playing it again once I get other things sorted, but until then I don’t want it face the same fate as that of my dad’s. Anything to keep my guitar alive and the music floating.

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “date.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!



SoCS Badge by John Holton@ The Sound of One Hand Typing

3 thoughts on “The weekly update”

  1. Ooh, I mean to read Cursed Child and I haven’t yet. I was so uncertain when I heard, though I would love to see the play, but in book form I wasn’t so sure. I was happily surprised when the book received a positive review from my brother. I am like you however. The announcement about the books still to come didn’t thrill me. I remember when Rowling said she had to put an end to the Potter universe, but that was right after Deathly Hallows came out. Writers always say that at first, but as time goes on, they never really do stick to it. I just don’t know because nothing can last. The hype still seems as huge as ever, but doesn’t make it right.

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