
I was telling you recently about how my iPad had some audio troubles and I have almost stopped using it. When I was back from the service center, I got myself thinking. I am able to use my Wii console to watch my Netflix (I have disabled my set top box account so no more TV). People must have had some solutions already available to be able to stream my contents from my iPad to the TV. So I checked out the free apps that are available on the console and saw that YouTube was available. I downloaded it. But it was asking me to login. So I checked online if there was a way and voila! there is was. Its like the Bluetooth pairing. You open the YouTube app on the Wii console, go to the settings and get the pairing code. Open the YouTube app on your phone or iPad, go to the settings and click on the Connect to TV option and enter the pairing code and after that you can use your Wii Console, and in turn your TV, as your screen. I was able to use that and play one of my saved videos for workout. It was cool.
Now, wouldn’t it just be easy to login to my YouTube account on Wii Console and go from there? It would but the keyboard typing is too difficult in that and would take me a long time to get to a YouTube video I am looking for. Using my iPad or my smart phone to type and get the video is quite faster. Now I have to check if I can do the same with my Skype. That would be amazing 😉

Article Reference:  Use Any Smartphone to Remotely Control YouTube on a Computer

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “screen.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

SoCS Badge by John Holton@ The Sound of One Hand Typing

SoCS: A Bit of this and that

We all, at least most of us around here love Cricket. And when I was very young, I had the pleasure of being involved in the galli cricket (i.e. street cricket) with my brother. Since I can never run, even if it is to save my life, I would never get a chance to bowl (standing in a place and throwing the ball is not bowling …so) but I was (or rather am) slightly well built and have good strength in my arms. So give me a bat and I am good at getting some runs for you, even without running. I used to love it. But then I got banned by my parents 😦 (reason: I am a girl).

I am not a person who will bet on anything, actually it should be modified as ‘a person who should not bet on anything’. I am a very emotional person and cannot judge unbiased, even though not always. For e.g. in the Indian Premier League (IPL) 20-20 Cricket Matches, my favorite team was  is Chennai Super Kings (CSK). Irrespective of how the team is performing, if I have to bet, I will always bet on CSK, for every single match. No way I will bet on any other team to win a match. How will that be betting at all. But then, that is how I am. So I don’t even go there.

Even though the term bit makes me want to write about the computer jargon, I am trying to not do that, but I am not getting anything else right now to write about bit 😦 I will skip them and go to the last one remaining then.

Bot, a term I first learnt in my master’s. Oops, Sorry! this is again a computer term. Can’t help it. That is what came to my mind when I read that word. I used to wonder how a bot (it means a small software that can run on a machine and do some repetitive actions without any intervention) gets designed and how they are used in some of the computer applications and all. Now they are running everywhere, be it our normal search engine, our shopping cart, every single place. A simple example which you might be very familiar with is the spam bot. If you see some mails automatically marked as spam it is because of a bot which is programmed (and in turn learns by itself to add more filtering options by the one that you mark as spam too). OK, I am gonna stop right here with my lecture hoping that I did not bore anyone who read this to the end. Have a nice weekend and Happy Blogging. 

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “bat, bet, bit, bot, but.” Focus on one, use them all, or simply include one of these words in your post. It’s up to you!

SoCS Badge by Doobster @ Mindful Digressions