Will you answer these weird questions ?

I saw a link somewhere which listed almost 100 interesting questions to ask someone to get to know them better. Honestly, i don’t know if I will remember the answers if I ask someone or if those answers will actually reveal much about the person.

Then I thought, why not pose some weird/interesting (at least to the one who asks the questions)/fun (depending on the answers) and see what kind of answers come up. So here is a list of 10 questions. Would you be so kind to respond to those either in the comments or in a reply blog post ? You can also post your set of 10 weird/fun/random/interesting questions to others and see what kind of answers you get 😉

  1. Do you remember any of your dreams ? If yes, tell me your weirdest dream!
  2. Is your second toe longer than the big toe?
  3. One question you always hate to answer ?
  4. Your weirdest quirk ?
  5. Do you nod while answering to someone in the phone instead of saying it out loud ?
  6. Chocolate or ice cream?
  7. Have you ever eaten a chalk (the one we use to write on the black boards) ?
  8. One of the weirdest names you have ever heard ?
  9. How long can you not blink your eyes ?
  10. You are playing arm wrestling with a kid (for simplicity , let us say the kid is below 5 years) , will you lose just to make them feel happy ?

Let’s pay it, are you up for it?

Maggie posted this interesting idea in her blog (I don’t see a re-blog option in her blog) Please do visit her post for more details of it.

And here is the text from her blog

The first five people that comment on this post with “I’m in” will receive a surprise from me at some point this year (2015), anything – a book, a ticket, something home-grown, homemade, a postcard, any surprise!

And I joined her’s and now its my turn to try and pay it forward. Any interested to join me in this fun ? Wanna get a gift from me ? Please leave your comment with ‘I’m in’ and either  your email address or an email to me.

And to use her last line as is

Remember the act is kindness so only respond if you truly will keep this going and fulfill your end of the bargain.

Books = Portkey = (Secret) Door

I wrote a series of posts on how certain books helped open a door to a whole new world for me and I categorized them with the term ‘Portable Magic‘ because ever since I heard the term ‘Portkey‘ in Harry Potter I associated that with the books. And for all the Muggles out there, a Portkey in Wizarding lingo refers to an object used to travel to another location, which is rather specific in Harry Potter’s world, without drawing any attention to anyone else around them, especially Muggles. So imagine my surprise when I come across this TEDTalk where Mac Barnett talks about why a good book is a secret door and how much it aligns with my idea of a book. His was a secret door and mine was a key to the another world/place. Mine can be considered a superset of his, that is all 🙂

Here is the 17+ mins talk which I found interesting and funny.