A poetic creation

When I got my Tattoo done this Thursday, it was like most of my other important milestones of life. The ones where I have this plan in my head for too long and then all it takes is just that one moment where I throw up my hands in the air and say feck it and go ahead with it. A little dramatic when I put it that way, but something similar does happen in my mind to be honest 😉 One of my friend said that he was glad of my transformation :), what ever that means. But yeah, I have come a long way from where I was. Especially to get something done on a permanent basis on my skin. It is not like my nose ring which I removed and the skin grew back and the evidence of me ever wearing it (except in the photographs) is totally gone from my body. Tattoo’s are no big deal nowadays and I didn’t get it just for the heck of it but rather to represent something I totally can relate to and make it a part of me forever.

And it would figure that I would go and get Astrological signs 🙂 what with my father being an astrologer and all. I am not too much into astrology, but I like my signs. I like what they tell about me, in a general context of course. We have two signs. I am not sure of the western world, but in Indian astrology, everything is based on the Moon sign rather than the Sun sign. I belong to Taurus, as per my Sun Sign and to Virgo, as per my Moon sign. My friends joke about how true that is, how I am like a bull (Taurus) chasing a woman (Virgo) , especially when I am driving my car 😉 But jokes apart, I wanted to mix them together in a way to show that I both to belong categories and that one cannot go without the other. I am this strong willed and effeminate person (which is obvious, but in a sense not too much if you know me personally) and I want it to be portrayed through those signs.

The original design of it is here.

One thing is for sure, my mom is gonna chastise me for sure, when she sees this.

Post for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “is” Use the word “is” to begin your post – bonus points for using it (as a word on its own or at the end of your final word, i.e. “metamorphosis”) at the end of your post as well. Have fun!

SoCS Badge by Doobster @ Mindful Digressions

A note of Thanks

Looks like this week is a week of milestones 🙂 I got a trophy from WordPress. follow Yay!!!  I have got a 1000 followers. Being my only social interaction platform, I have found that WP is a nice and cool place to hangout. I have made friends here, found that one answer I was looking for to make my peace, have my share of daily laughs, share my love of everything with others, follow a lot of cool, exciting and wonderful people, learn something or the other daily, you name it. It has been a very enjoyable ride so far and promises to be so in the future too. As I had mentioned in my About, I did have a blog in Google which was my own way of handling some tough times I was going through, but when my friend suggested that I start a new one only for my views on books and movies, a way to share our ideas and suggestions for books (we are from different cities), I chose WP and from then on there is no looking back. But it sort of branched out to include my love of photography and well, you know how its going. For all the support, confidence, encouragement that I have received from the WP community, from each and every one of you (old, new, longtime friends, followers, visitors, viewers : everyone), IMG_2803 These words may not exactly tell you how much I appreciate your visits, follow and comments, but these words are all I have.

As a giveback here is a short list of some wonderful bloggers and these are in no particular order (except for ascending order of the names) and I chose only 30 (out of a very big list) for this post, wishing and hoping that others don’t mind. Do check them out.

Apple Pie and Napalm
Bente Haarstad Photography
Everyday Adventures
Experiments with Card Making
Half a Photograph
Harsh Reality
J D Kittles Photography
Jim Holroyd
Keep Picturing
Leanne Cole Photography
Life Confusions
Life in Progress
Lignum Draco
Lunch Sketch
Maverick Mist
Northwest Frame of Mind
Pat Callahan Photography
Penguin Ponderings
Roberto Cabral
Stephen G Hipperson
Steve Says
Tarnished Sophia
The Mirror
Vic Briggs
Wandering Iris
We stutter and we don’t care

 Thank you once again to all and Happy Blogging and Keep Smiling 🙂   


I received an email today from Twitter wishing me Twitterversary. 

tweetSo here I am, letting everyone know about it 🙂 even though I am not very active in Twitter except follow a handful of people, checking out their tweets and very very rarely responding to them.  I joined twitter to check out how it works and if I will be interested in it and if I could promote the posts through it. Didn’t hold my interest for long. I hardly have anything to say within 140 characters, unless I am replying to someone and I ain’t good at starting a conversation. No wonder I never use the SMS feature / Whatsapp much on my phone too.