It is definitely looking a lot like

Christmas! 😉



When I woke up today all grumpy because of my cold, cough, and body pain, I didn’t think that my spirits will be lifted by some snow (how ironic). I literally jumped up and down with glee. This is the scene just outside my window. It can not get better than this 🙂


Now that the snow has come and gone, it was interesting how this song came up immediately when I tuned to an internet radio 😉 and it was titled ‘I Melt with you’ by Modern English and had a subtext ‘After the Snow’ 😀

Let is snow!

I am sure, I will be the only one to tell this at this time and I know that lot of you will hate me for this (especially OM 😉 ) but I am really so happy and exhilarated that it is currently snowing outside as I write this post. It hardly snows in this part of London and today is the second day. We had some sprinkles yesterday evening. I was thrilled but was sad that it was chased away by fleets of rain. But today I get to see the snow in all its beautiful glory. It won’t last long, me thinks. But for the time being, since this is the first time ever I am seeing this beautiful sight I am allowed to enjoy it. I am sure I will fret about it soon when my movements are restricted or I am shivering to my bones. But until then… Happy Snowing!


The White Blanket

“All Heaven and Earth
Flowered white obliterate…
Snow…unceasing snow”
― Hashin, Japanese Haiku


Taken on my way up to Mount Titlis in Lucerne from the Cable Car.

Wordless Wednesday
